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Vastu Shastra Book in Hindi - Best Books on Vastu Shastra book in hindi available to help you understand the Science of Architecture and enhance your knowledge on how the Spatial arrangement around us effect our lives. Vastu shastra can help you improve your life by improving your surroundings. [ Link Details for Vastu Shastra Book in Hindi ] |
Family Trip To Magical Madagascar and Beyond by Nicki Geigert - A story of a family trip to Madagascar and Zimbabwe with photos and events, as well as traveling in those countries. Family Trip To Magical Madagascar and Beyond captures the fun memories that the family enjoyed in Madagascar and, at the same time, shares to readers the unparalleled wonder of the island country. [ Link Details for Family Trip To Magical Madagascar and Beyond by Nicki Geigert ] |
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Stationery Store in Chandigarh - Amit Book Depot is the best stationary store in Chandigarh to offer all types of books at a discount rate. Visit us today for more information. [ Link Details for Stationery Store in Chandigarh ] |
ReadersMagnet Review - ReadersMagnet Review is a repository of various stories and interests reviewed by ReadersMagnet. In line with our commitment to sharing stories with the world, ReadersMagnet Review aims to provide our visitors with our own detailed and comprehensive storytelling of things, events, ideas, and narratives that we think are worth reading about. [ Link Details for ReadersMagnet Review ] |
Daughters of Twilight - The special tactical teams had been trained for normal encounters with flesh and blood… not supernatural beings. A quiet little city in the Midwest town of Waterloo, Iowa is about to come to life… with angels! [ Link Details for Daughters of Twilight ] |
HEALING AND TRANSFORMATION: Moving from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary by Eric Alsterberg, Ph.D. - HEALING AND TRANSFORMATION: Moving from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary by Eric Alsterberg, Ph.D. Do you want to transform your life? Would you like a connection with the divine within yourself to create an intimate and sacred relationship with God? Healing and Transformation: Moving from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary by Dr. Eric Alsterberg is a revolutionary how-to manual that will inspire you to recognize and understand the voice of the Higher Being that speaks within each of us. [ Link Details for HEALING AND TRANSFORMATION: Moving from the Ordinary to the Extraordinary by Eric Alsterberg, Ph.D. ] |
Then Sings My Soul by Doreen L. Hatton - Then Sings My Soul is a stirring novel that follows the Langston family, comprised of Samuel Langston, his wife Lily, and their daughters, whose lives are forever changed when Samuel is accidentally killed by a fifteen-year-old driver named Aaron Turner late one night when Samuel is crossing the street—and it is while dealing with the aftermath of grief that the Langston women and Aaron discover a shared bond in music that may be their path to healing and forgiveness. [ Link Details for Then Sings My Soul by Doreen L. Hatton ] |
Meeting ReadersMagnet in Miami - My book, “One Caregiver’s Journey”, was published in March, 2019. Just prior to launching on Amazon, I was contacted by ReadersMagnet asking if they could collaborate with me on marketing and promoting the book. I was skeptical of the offer and asked a good friend to help review the information and he concluded that Readers Magnet is indeed a credible entity. In the months since, I have developed a relationship with my “team”. I feel that I can honestly trust their judgment and openly question their suggestions. Their work is professional and I have been pleased when projects are fulfilled and completed beyond my expectations. Yes, you need a satchel of cash to self-publish, market and promote a book, but that is balanced with the experience which, for me, has been educational and exciting. [ Link Details for Meeting ReadersMagnet in Miami ] |
Cravits and Strawbridge families - Eloise had stumbled upon a rough gang of men conspiring to rob the bank, and had been caught at it by those very same men. Her quick wits and storytelling abilities—and most of all her frantic prayers—had gotten her out of it all. She had managed to convince them—she still didn’t believe that she had convinced them—that she wanted to go with them as an adventure. They had believed her! They must have had foolish pride enough to believe anyone would want to join their nasty lives, even an innocent girl. She laughed. Oh my! she prayed. It just had to be You, Lord. She could tell a story well enough, but no one could deceive so many so well without some thoroughly Almighty help. [ Link Details for Cravits and Strawbridge families ] |
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The Brotherhood of the Wone - This is a story about a handyman who lived in a small town and was in just the right place when destiny came knocking on his door his door. Lon looked to be little more than a handyman, a bitcomplex as complex goes. He is smart but a little stubborn; he is compassionate but selective about who he is compassionate to. He is defiantly creative but didn’t always think things all the way through before taking action. He is loyal to his friends, family, and country—sometimes to a fault. He is well liked by almost everyone and always returns the affection. Lon is defiantly the man you would appreciate having around in a tight spot. He is trained in mechanics and electronics and is also an ambulance technician. Most of the people he wouldsoon be working with were his classmates.Lon was approached by Jean Conway to be the fix-it man on a trip to Belize that she was planning to take. Jean was the daughter of the little town’s museum curators/owners. She had found a strange piece of a Mayan priest’s robe from Belize, which she—nor anyone else, for that matter—could not make any sense of. Jean was well connected in the field of archeology, so was her husband Bill. She had no idea that she was about to discover one of the greatest forces on this or any other planet, a source that had been dormant for centuries. There will come a time when she will be afraid for everyone’s life and regret her involvement. [ Link Details for The Brotherhood of the Wone ] |
THE NUMBERED CUPS MYSTERY (Lieutenant James Mysteries) (Volume 4) - Numbered drink cups at a barbecue backfires when mischief and poison are added to the mix. A writer is poisoned at a barbecue where the cups are marked with a number to identify whose is whose. The writer’s #5 cup and one of several #7 cups contain tainted bourbon from a pint bottle brought to the picnic by an elderly neighbor. Lieutenant James must sort it out and find the murderer. He uncovers some secrets about the writer victim, but a missing will, a closet drinker, and a college hazing incident provide important clues to the intriguing murder mystery. [ Link Details for THE NUMBERED CUPS MYSTERY (Lieutenant James Mysteries) (Volume 4) ] |
REFLECTIONS OF PTSD with my Perfect Flaws - [ Link Details for REFLECTIONS OF PTSD with my Perfect Flaws ] |
The Russian Madhouse by Badman - The Russian Madhouse features an automotive engineer who becomes a director at an underground research and development installation in Siberia. He convinced the Russian President who looks like Stalin to start the installation that is referred to as the facility. Dick Thurman and his wife Kate arrive in February 2040 in a flying car. The Russia President is shown weapons and enhanced humans he wants to use to rebuild his military that was almost destroyed in Israel. He also samples Russian Madhouse vodka and promotes it. Some are taken to Mars aboard spaceplane flown by a former nude model who is now a Christian Rocket scientist. On the way to Mars, the spaceplane is intercepted by the Starship Aremulac and Dick, Kate and Maria experience programs of various scenarios on their way to alien empire. [ Link Details for The Russian Madhouse by Badman ] |
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cbse sample papers for 10th class - Satish brothers and Sons is the leading and genuine publisher and supplier of Cbse books for class 10th in Delhi, India. We also provides previous years question papers for the preparation of the Board Examinations [ Link Details for cbse sample papers for 10th class ] |
Bologna Children Book Fair 2018 - 2018 Bologna Children’s Book Fair will be held from 26th to 29th March as a four-day event in Bologna, Italy. Bologna Book Fair is a highly regarded event, popular for showcasing products and services related to the field of digital media, publishing, and licensing, along with discovering new market trends in children’s book industry. Not only this, but the important authors and illustrators in children and young adults book industry, also participate in this prestigious event. [ Link Details for Bologna Children Book Fair 2018 ] |
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CBSE Class 10 English Sample Papers - CBSE Class 10 English Sample Papers are exactly planned for students that will furnish their necessary requirements in commerce the chapters efficaciously. It aims to help students to learn and connect their ideas by working through ‘Skills Evaluation Box’ with sufficient number of unsolved reading, writing and grammar exercises, serving as a Model Test Paper from board examination opinion. [ Link Details for CBSE Class 10 English Sample Papers ] |
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Vastu Book in Hindi - The Science and technology of Vaastu Shastra – re-defined re-interpreted and its relevance and all – time universal applicability re – established. Archetypal building forms illustrated and punctuated with apt quotations. The textual matter enriched The book is both a scholarly exposition of the philosophical principles of Vastu Book in Hindi and a practical presentation of the rhythm and creation of rhythm bound forms which give rise to a variety of structures. [ Link Details for Vastu Book in Hindi ] |
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The Healing Bowl - Seventh grade is the turning point for many middle schoolers. So it is for Harley and his best friend TJ at JFK Middle School. They are part of a quartet of close friends growing up in a cul-de-sac. These friends discover that people are not always who they seem to be, even teachers. [ Link Details for The Healing Bowl ] |
The Patchwork Princess - The king sends out an invitation for the brave knights in his kingdom to attempt the rescue of his beautiful daughter from Terrance The Terrible’s ten-story tower. The black knight must be defeated, and the dragon must be slain. Who will be brave enough? [ Link Details for The Patchwork Princess ] |
Fundamental Keyboarding Skills by Denise Rolanda Chambers - Typing and developing keyboarding skills have a common goal from the typewriter to the computer the paper is formatted on 8-1/2" (across) by 11" (down) paper called the portrait position. Page 3 reviews common basics in measurement of how characters are perceived via the fonts on paper. [ Link Details for Fundamental Keyboarding Skills by Denise Rolanda Chambers ] |
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The Other Side of Love - When Conrad Arlington Hill is suddenly dumped by his girlfriend, Abigail McCloud, he suffers irreparable hurt. So much that he conspires with his friend Ed to seek revenge on Abigail. His plan fails however, when Ed and Abigail manifest a love for each other. Conrad, whose body is now ravaged and consumed with hatred, goes on a mission of relentless revenge. He employs an underworld figure to force Ed to abandon Abigail and never see her again. Abigail is so distraught with Ed’s departure she needs a two-month stay in a mental institution to recover. [ Link Details for The Other Side of Love ] |
Come Climb Toward God: Are you hungry for God by Marianna Albritton - This book was written to help believers understand the steps of growth as a Christian. Many times when a believer feels a need to be closer to God, the person has no idea how to proceed or how to interpret what one feels. [ Link Details for Come Climb Toward God: Are you hungry for God by Marianna Albritton ] |
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Murdoch on understand god's overall plan - This simple book will answer questions you may have always wondered about. For those of you who have always known there was more, this may be the key of David to open the lock in your mind. Once this hurdle is crossed, the entire Bible will become a living thing to you. For you see, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God and the Word became flesh and dwells among us.” [ Link Details for Murdoch on understand god's overall plan ] |
Deep Within: A Series of 21 Books - This book is designed to help you understand the puzzles that, happens throughout your life. [ Link Details for Deep Within: A Series of 21 Books ] |
William and Tibby Forever by Lynda Hamblen - William and Tibby Forever is an uplifting cat’s tale about life that never ends and love that never dies. It tells of a cat’s view of life on earth and in heaven. The book is a story of William and Tibby, two cats nurtured by a compassionate woman, and their learning experiences that shape their characters. Follow William and Tibby as they learn together that life is a treasure box that holds joys and sorrow, laughter and tears, and loss and discovery. [ Link Details for William and Tibby Forever by Lynda Hamblen ] |
Mark of the beast by Fritcha - Preoccupation with earthly endeavors steals people’s focus, so that the Voice of Truth they truly need to hear is diminished, most of the time, to mere whispers. Sadly, the voice people hear the most is their own voice, which has inhaled the voice of the cultural environment around them, leading them to perceive truth from these resounding voices which are vying for attention daily. However, the biased truth people are absorbing on a regular basis is not from The One Who is Truth. [ Link Details for Mark of the beast by Fritcha ] |
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Give your life away by gregory mcleod - The Apathetical Man will change your life for the good or for no reason at all, bu t there are powerful stories and words written in this book to give you a hope greater than what you have if you have not received your spiritual awakening. I take no glory in writing this book for it is written for people in my life. I just put it in the words on paper. This book has many emotions you will face. There is suffering, revelations, visions, and power in the words that are spoken.. I was down and out many years ago and I asked God, “What can a sinner like me offer you?”, and he said with a low powerful voice, “Give your life away.” That is when I started writing this book. You are my friends if you read this book. I will relate to you as my friends. Jesus—The Way, the Truth, the Life—gives me hope for today. This book will stand out with the encouragement to change if you need to. It is a book with short stories that are true. This book is true. Nothing in this book will lead you on the wrong path. It is meant for change. For the better, so that you may experience a happy normal life. This book will keep you interested. I’m confident when you read this book, The Apathetical Man, your eyes will be opened to new visions and revelations in your life. I can share this book with you. The book will nourish your inner man and lead to many questions. This book speaks to you in an intimate style that brings us closer to the meaning of living a normal life. Living a normal life is living a sober and diligent life before man and God. It’s very intimate. Like I’ve mentioned, I see you as friends when you read this book. Any person reading this book becomes a friend and you will see this and experience this as I will not be preaching from a pulpit but from the very words written in this book. [ Link Details for Give your life away by gregory mcleod ] |
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